Dave Loney is an executive and team Coach, trainer and strategic planning facilitator. He specializes in helping leaders focus on their own development and maximize the strengths of the executive team. Dave is a Senior Certified Birkman Consultant, a published author and an entrepreneur.
In a previous career, he was a founder, President and CEO of Eagle’s Flight, a global training firm, now in over 45 countries.
Put the right people in the right places. Build an outstanding executive team.
The kind of teams that bring exceptional results rarely just happen. They’re created.
Get the objective information, valuable insights and clear strategies you need to create outstanding teams and equip them to excel.
Every organization needs concrete strategies for success; strategies based on comprehensive, objective and reliable information. Dave can equip your executive leaders with the tools they need to get it right.
Our world continues to change rapidly. Every challenge has a twist, demands wisdom and astute thinking skills, and presents its own opportunity for a fresh perspective.
To get the most out of any challenge, you need to make sure you are asking the right questions and drawing out the best in yourself and those around you.
Dave Loney has more than 25 years of experience as a business leader, corporate trainer, coach, and management consultant. He has comprehensive first-hand knowledge of the executive experience, coupled with an innate ability to understand people and draw out the values and goals that are personally meaningful, and motivating, to them.
Dave employs this unique and potent skill set to guide clients to become more effective leaders who are better equipped to tackle complex executive responsibilities.
As a trusted guide and confidant, Dave will work with clients to:
Dave strives to inspire and equip leaders with a higher “ROL” — Return on Life. He believes that enabling leaders to create positive change in their own lives is the first step to creating healthier organizations.
Birkman Assessments
“Knowledge is power” ~ Sir Francis Bacon
You’re in a leadership position and you have important decisions to make. The kind of high-stakes decisions that can impact not only your future and the future of your organization, but also the careers and lives of those around you.
With great leadership comes great responsibility. And that includes a responsibility to make well thought out decisions based on the best information you can get.
Of all the variables that make up a good decision, one of the most critical is an accurate understanding of the person or people involved.
That’s where The Birkman Method™ comes in.
The Birkman is one of the most comprehensive, objective, and reliable assessment tools available. A Birkman assessment will give you the powerful knowledge you need to see further down the road and achieve your desired business outcomes.
How will your executives perform under pressure? What are the natural strengths within the team? What are the team’s blind spots?
What about hiring? Do you already have someone on board whose talents could be used more effectively? If you are hiring, when you’re down to a short list of candidates, how do you determine who will be the best choice?
Get a good read on the people within your organization and the candidates your organization is considering. A Birkman assessment can be used to:
Put the right people in the right place for the best results. As a senior certified Birkman consultant, Dave Loney is trained to dig deep and not only generate comprehensive, objective, and reliable insights, but help you work with those insights to build your next outstanding executive team.
Global Legacy Strategies Inc.
RR#3 5487 Third Line, Rockwood, ON, N0B 2K0
519-212-DAVE (519-212-3282)