Ron Lutka

Ron Lutka

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Corporate Streamlining helps streamline organizations from the bottom up. We attack the problem of streamlining from a very low level then roll up the organization often passing the baton to other specialists as the problems unearthed become more specific.

Historically, our customers have been distributors, service organizations, and manufacturers with between 200 and 5,000 employees and sales of $50 million to over $1 billion. Sometimes our customers are stand alone entities and other times they are a subsidiary of a much larger parent. We have also serviced government. Sometimes our customers bring us in because they have a specific pain point; other times they have a general uneasiness they want looked into.
We streamline organizations making them more operationally functional by applying uncomplicated Corporate Streamlining Technology ®. We systematically locate then help eradicate black hole-creating items in organizations as elucidated in Corporate Streamlining president Ron Lutka’s book titled Black Holes in Organizations

146 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit 2, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C2
Telephone: 416.528.3515 fax: 416.352.5878
THIS is what we do:

Problem We Solve

Basic activities not being completed properly, or at all, often at the micro level, causes a drag on an organization’s financial and operating performance.

The inattention to basic activities allows an accumulation of failures to occur unnoticed until at some late point the damage manifests itself on financial reports, in operations, and elsewhere. Ideally, we would like to prevent this damage from occurring in the first place, however if it has already occurred then our goal is to terminate the damage from continuing and clean-up the damage that has occurred.

How We Solve It

We solve the above problem by locating then handling numerous failings (and opportunities) at the micro level.

For example, data integrity issues, forgotten procedures, breaks in basic communications, basic work not being completed or completed properly, and opportunities to gain efficiencies. We do so by applying our uncomplicated Corporate Streamlining Technology ® which includes, among other things, our systematic function/business review that combs through the organization searching for opportunities, and failings that are then addressed to the point of terminating root causes. Both the review and repair are ‘hands-on’ often detail-level work.

Value to Customers

An organization operating as management intended it to operate.

Upon that solid foundation management can operate the business, strategize, implement new programs, and/or improve business processes more effectively.

A few additional potential benefits (depending on original issues):

  • improved cash flow forecasting
  • increased productivity
  • happier customers
  • reduced stress and confusion
  • increased morale
  • improved predictability
  • improved margins
  • increased sales
  • increased profitability
  • increased survival potential


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