Alberto Calva supports companies, organizations and government agencies in financial and strategic analysis, investment project evaluations, financial modeling, financial planning, risk analysis and decision making. He has been in business as a consultant for more than 20 years.
He has developed several financial models for infrastructure projects, P3 projects, modeling for valuation of ongoing companies, project evaluation and financial planning. Getting a complex project, understanding its nature, expressing it in a simple and concise way in a financial model, do valuations and risk analysis, and finally support the decision makers is a good way of describing his value added to a project and for a client.
He has a unique mix of academic, practical, entrepreneurial, hands on experience and board member background. He is a numerical and analytical person, team player in multidisciplinary teams, works with groups of investors, shareholders and top management, professor and speaker in finance and economics.
He holds a Bachelor degree of Industrial Engineering, a Master degree of Economics and an MBA with a major of Finance. He has been a part time professor in two leading graduate business schools since 1989. He wrote and published a book of finance and has written more than 400 articles on finance, economics and business. He founded Acus Consulting in 1989.
He has trained close to ten thousand executives and entrepreneurs from more than 20 different countries in the last 25 years. He is one of the few consultants with international operations and with more than 20 years of continuous operations. He has delivered projects in 8 different countries.
Some of his more common seminars and workshops are: Finance for Non Financial Managers, Financial Analysis, Investment Project Evaluation, Foundations for an Economic Analysis, among others.
Acus Consulting
100 King Street West, suite 5700, Toronto, ON M5X 1C7, Canada
acalva@acusconsulting.com & acalva@acus.ca
416-824-1924 & 647-724-0625