Leah Morrigan

The Power of Image

Visuals speak volumes. We make judgments about people within seconds of laying eyes on them, and create ideas about who we think they are based on what we see. These judgments dictate how we treat people and vice versa. Though we can’t control other people and their perception, we can be mindful of the image we project. We only get one chance to make a first impression, so why not make it a good one?

Our image is any way that we make impressions on the world through our appearance, behaviour, and communication. Image is complex and comprised of many obvious elements (i.e., wardrobe, grooming, posture) and not-so-obvious ones (i.e., politeness, eye contact, email tone). Within each element is a host of details that will influence how we feel and how we are judged.

Image consulting helps people understand the complexity of our image, the messages it sends, and how to make it work for us. This makes our lives easier, boosts our self-esteem, confidence, and credibility, and positively influences how other people consider us and treat us.

Essentially, image work takes a client apart, analyzes those parts, and then puts the parts back together in a more natural, comfortable, and flattering configuration. This can be especially relevant and powerful for men who, unlike women, have not had the social opportunity to learn about image elements such as colour and clothing fit.

On a practical level, image work is a time- and cost-saving measure. How many of us have purchased garments that seemed like a good idea at the time, but never made it off the hanger once we got it home? Likely, we questioned the colour, fit, or suitability of the garment which in the end, was a waste of money, time, and space in our closet. Image work is an insurance policy for your image and your wardrobe.

As business people, we want to dress for success. This means being conscious and deliberate in our clothing choices. Some people dress to shoot themselves in the foot and wear sloppy, dirty, uncoordinated, and inappropriate clothing and accessories. But dressing for success is about suitable, well-fit clothing in flattering colours that makes us look and feel good. It improves the impression we make on others, and helps strengthen our brand.