Newhouse Partners Inc. (NhP) specializes in operational restructuring to help financially distressed businesses identify and implement solutions to regain financial control and move forward toward renewed profitability.
Indicators | Opportunity to help |
The bank lines are maxed out and the company may be in default with its loans at the bank. | The bank will be comforted that the company has added financial expertise, to collect receivables, push out payables and develop a go forward plan. |
The bank has moved your loans to the Special Loans Department and is in the process of signing a Forbearance Agreement. | Negotiate with the bank on the company's behalf to regain its support while we work with the client to implement solutions and reduce bank debt. |
Significant negative cash flow. | Analyze and evaluate the company’s cash flow situation and suggest short term and long-term ways to improve it. |
The company is behind in paying the suppliers and the creditors may be calling continuously for payment. | Speak to the suppliers to open the lines of communication and encourage them to give us time to make payments or alternative plans. |
A large client or a number of clients are just not paying. | Call each of the clients to understand and resolve the issues that have stalled their payments. |
There seems to be no way to move the business forward. | Work with the company and staff to develop a multipronged approach to solve these issues. As the Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) we work to understand the underlying causes and develop various avenues to put the business back on its feet for the long term. One of the options that might be explored would be, either, informal or formal creditor protection. |
In each case NhP works with you, your staff, senior management, bank, suppliers and clients to ensure that all of the business issues are understood and corrected resulting in improved financial results.
As part of this process, NhP serves as the CRO (Chief Restructuring Officer) to develop various options that help our clients regain a more secure financial footing and then move forward along a path that leads toward a more profitable future. We negotiate with the creditors informally or, if necessary, formally through the use of the Bankruptcy Act.
NhP's objective is to reduce debts, produce positive cash flow and grow our client's business.